Programas formativos altamente qualificados para a Indústria Farmacêutica

Comprometidos com a qualidade e a inovação.

EU HTA Regulation and EU Harmonised Assessment for Digital Medical Devices (including AI)
Despite the promise of digital health technologies to transform healthcare, (whereby continued work is ongoing to exactly define these technologies and develop a taxonomy), their adoption in clinical practice is very limited, their regulatory environment is still...
Data Integrity Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This document contains a collection of frequently asked questions that have been submitted by the industry to the DI taskforce. The intention of this documents is that this is a living document that will be updated as new questions are opposed to the group
Relatório Anual da Gestão da Disponibilidade de Medicamentos de 2024
O Relatório Anual da Gestão da Disponibilidade de Medicamentos de 2024, divulgado pelo INFARMED. I.P., sublinha o papel fundamental da entidade na monitorização e gestão do abastecimento de medicamentos em Portugal. Segundo o relatório, 97% das apresentações de...
Bioanalytical Method Validation for Biomarkers
This guidance helps sponsors of investigational new drug applications (INDs) and applicants of new drug applications (NDAs), biologics license applications (BLAs), and NDA and BLA supplements as well as abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), as applicable, to...