This first version of the Telehealth quality of care tool (‎TQoCT)‎ is intended to be used by Member States (‎namely by focal points for patient safety and quality of care (‎QoC)‎ and all other relevant parties of national telehealth ecosystems)‎ or by individual health-care provider organizations.

As more health and care moves to digital-based service provision, including the use of digital tools for supporting health interventions and care services provided at a distance, the quality of the care that is provided becomes more relevant.

The quality of telehealth ultimately matters for increasing the adoption of this new paradigm of care because significant patient safety or QoC issues will ultimately undermine the trust populations and professionals have on this still somehow new way of practicing medicine and supporting the provision of modern and integrated care.

Approaches to such quality standards benefit from common reference materials, and the TQoCT aims to aggregate these in a manner that stimulates reflection and action, helping countries and health-care organizations on their journey to mature, safe and high-quality telehealth service provision.