EMA launches the Regulatory Science Research Needs initiative

EMA launches the Regulatory Science Research Needs initiative

 BY EMA News 15/12/2021 For the first time, EMA has issued a  list of regulatory science topics that need further research to close gaps and improve medicine development and evaluation to enable access to innovative medicines for patients. EMA has identified around...

FDA final guidance on CMC postapproval changes for annual reports

This guidance provides recommendations to holders of biologics license applications (BLAs) for specified biological products regarding the types of changes to an approved BLA to be documented in an annual report under 21 CFR 601.12. Specifically, the guidance...

A vision for use of real-world evidence in EU medicines regulation

A vision for use of real-world evidence in EU medicines regulation

PUBLISHED BY EMA News 24/11/2021 Enabling the use of real-world evidence (RWE) and establishing its value for regulatory decision-making on the development, authorisation and supervision of medicines in Europe by 2025: this is the vision of European regulators as...



The new MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746 EU regulations introduce an EU identification system for medical devices based on a Unique Device Identifier (UDI) and require that manufacturers of medical devices submit the UDI/Device information of all devices/products that...

Novas creditações para as próximas formações de novembro e dezembro

Novas creditações para as próximas formações de novembro e dezembro

As seguintes formações contam com a  acreditação pela Ordem dos Farmacêuticos   Rotulagem, Packaging e Publicidade de DISPOSITIVOS MÉDICOS3  3 de dezembro de 2021 0.7 CDP (00343/11/2021) PESSOA RESPONSÁVEL de DISPOSITIVOS MÉDICOS 24 de novembro de  de 2021 0.7...

Generating high-quality evidence from registry-based studies

Generating high-quality evidence from registry-based studies

News 26/10/2021 EMA has published guidance to provide key methods and good regulatory practices to pharmaceutical organisations on the planning and conduct of registry-based studies. A patient registry is an organised system that collects uniform data over time on...

PROMOTIONAL REVIEW 2021: “Excelente  formação “

PROMOTIONAL REVIEW 2021: “Excelente  formação “

Ontem em Lisboa mais uma edição do WORKSHOP PROMOTIONAL REVIEW COMPLIANCE & BEST PRACTICES , conduzida pela Dra Raquel Miguéis ,Regulatory Affairs Senior Officer , da OWL PHARMA CONSULTING Recohecendo a relevância da conformidade regulamentar em todos os...

4ª Edição da formação sobre GMP para Canábis : Vagas esgotadas

4ª Edição da formação sobre GMP para Canábis : Vagas esgotadas

Devido à grande procura, mais uma turma da formação  GMP para Canábis, focada na implementação e gestão de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade eficaz, para estar em conformidade com os requisitos GMP; encerrou suas incrições.   “Enquadramento global muito completo...

EU extends GMP, GDP certificates through 2022

EU extends GMP, GDP certificates through 2022

European regulators announced that good manufacturing practice (GMP) and good distribution practice (GDP) certificates, as well as other time-limited authorizations, will be extended through 2022.   QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON REGULATORY EXPECTATIONS FOR MEDICINAL...

Artificial intelligence in medicine regulation

Artificial intelligence in medicine regulation

published by EMA News 16/08/2021   The International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) sets out recommendations to help regulators to address the challenges that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) poses for global medicines regulation, in...

Clinical Trial Information System (CTIS) – Sponsor Handbook

Clinical Trial Information System (CTIS) – Sponsor Handbook

published by 28 July 2021 EMA/299895/2021 – v. 1.00 Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) programme   A compilation of key guidance, technical information, recommendations and references for getting ready for use of CTIS   The aim of the EMA CTIS Sponsor...

Sistema europeu de ensaios clínicos lançado em janeiro

Sistema europeu de ensaios clínicos lançado em janeiro

PUBLICADONO SITE INFARMED Infarmed NOTICIAS 02 ago 2021 A Comissão Europeia (CE) confirmou que a entrada em vigor do Regulamento Europeu de Ensaios Clínicos, bem como o lançamento do Sistema Europeu de Ensaios Clínicos (Clinical Trials Information System - CTIS),...

EMA new guidelines on veterinary pharmacovigilance

EMA new guidelines on veterinary pharmacovigilance

PUBLISHED BY EMA.   The Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/6) contains new legal provisions on veterinary pharmacovigilance. These aim to focus on continuous signal management based on adverse event data in...

Veterinary product information templates

Veterinary product information templates

PUBLISHED BY EMA 16/7/2021EMA has made available a new product information template for #veterinary medicines to support the implementation of the Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation which enters into application in January 2022:    The...