This guidance helps sponsors of investigational new drug applications (INDs) or applicants of new drug applications (NDAs), abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), biologic license applications (BLAs), and supplements validate bioanalytical methods used in human clinical pharmacology, bioavailability (BA), and bioequivalence (BE) studies that require pharmacokinetic, toxicokinetic, or biomarker concentration evaluation.2 This guidance can also
inform the development of bioanalytical methods used for nonclinical studies that require toxicokinetic or biomarker concentration data. For studies related to the veterinary drug approval process such as investigational new animal drug applications (INADs), new animal drug applications (NADAs), and abbreviated new animal drug applications (ANADAs), this guidance may apply to blood and urine BA, BE, and pharmacokinetic studies.
The information in this guidance applies to bioanalytical procedures such as chromatographic assays (CCs) and ligand binding assays (LBAs) that quantitatively determine the levels of drugs, their metabolites, therapeutic proteins, and biomarkers in biological matrices such as blood, serum, plasma, urine, and tissue such as skin.
This final guidance incorporates public comments to the revised draft published in 2013 and provides recommendations for the development, validation, and in-study use of bioanalytical methods. The recommendations can be modified with justification, depending on the specific type of bioanalytical method. This guidance reflects advances in science and technology related to validating bioanalytical methods.